Dysphagia is a term used to describe someone’s difficulty or inability to swallow food or liquid. There are several reasons why someone might experience dysphagia, it might be because they didn’t chew their food well enough, muscle spasms, or other internal issues.

What Causes Dysphagia?

There are two different types of dysphagia and the cause is unique for both types.

Oropharyngeal Dysphagia, typically due to difficulty starting a swallow. This can be due to:

  • Neuromuscular causes are more common with this type of dysphagia. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the mouth, back of your throat, and upper esophagus have direct connections with the brain and these nerves can be damaged causing complications. Sometimes strictures (narrowed areas in the esophagus) can cause you to have a hard time swallowing or tumors growing in the back of the throat

Esophageal Dysphagia, typically due to problems of the esophagus. This can be caused by:

  • Scarring in the esophagus from acid reflux
  • Inflammation in the esophagus from acid reflux
  • Lack of esophageal muscle strength
  • Achalasia (when the lower esophageal sphincter can’t relax during swallowing due to abnormal nerve control)
  • Spasms in the esophagus

What Are The Symptoms Of Dysphagia?

  • The most common symptoms and signs of dysphagia include:
  • Inability to swallow, Sensation of food being stuck in your throat or chest, Pain while swallowing, Regurgitation, Unwanted weight loss, Coughing or gagging while swallowing, Acid reflux, Aspiration pneumonia, Food impaction (food getting stuck), Chest Pain