Acid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle located at the base of your stomach fails and allows acid from your stomach to re-enter, or reflux, into your esophagus. The sensitive tissue that lines the esophagus is not intended to come in contact with the acid. The result is a burning sensation.

Some other, lesser known, symptoms of reflux include: coughing, raspy voice, and tooth decay. These symptoms occur when the acid reaches very high in the esophagus.

Because of the long term damage that may occur with repetitive episodes of reflux, you should see a doctor if you experience heartburn regularly two or more times per week.

Over time, chronic acid reflux can cause permanent damage to the esophagus. Blisters, ulcerations, and scarring can result in cellular changes. These changes are known as Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous condition that, left untreated, can become malignant (cancerous).

A hiatal hernia occurs when your stomach pushes up through a hole in your diaphragm into your esophagus.  Small hernias normally go unnoticed, but larger ones can cause acid reflux.  In fact, hiatal hernias are one of the leading causes of GERD.